- ITEM #5
Dear Environmental Commissioners,
We are asking that the Parks Concession Report in Item #5 be more closely examined before being approved. By the Concession Report authors’ statement at the January 27, 2025 PARB meeting, the report is not yet complete. This raises the question why would anyone want to approve an incomplete report? Moreover many questions brought up at that meeting that have yet to be addressed or clarified. In addition we ask that the EC Commissioner Hanna Cofer recuse herself due to her role as interim director of The Trail Conservancy which is positioned to profit or benefit by PARD concessions revenues. Here are a few items that need clarification before the Concession Report is cleared by the EC. - It’s unclear in the report why some concessions show multiple year contractual extensions while others do not. Some of those reduced to one year contracts are minority owned and heritage businesses with lots of community support. This all needs to be explained. We hope the environmental board asks for clarification in lieu of approval.
- The report omits any background for the planned concessions management transfer to Trail Conservancy. Given this has been in the pipeline for awhile, the omission is something that should also be explored in more depth.
- One of the listed concessions, Expedition School, does not appear to have met its financial obligations-and yet is being offered a multiple year contract.
Given the enterprise is planning a massive expansion over one end of a lagoon without benefit of Environmental Commission review, we urge another look before moving forward with the commission report. These are only a few of the many unanswered questions brought up about the report. Once this moves forward there will be little opportunity to question or modify what has been set in motion. This commission is doubtless more aware than anyone of how important our parks have become to the local ecology in a time of drought and climate change. Let’s move forward carefully and take the time to really examine the realities and implications of this report. We thank you for your consideration.
Carol S. Stall & Phil Thomas
Deep Holly Advocates / Free Zilker Coalition